Friday, October 13, 2006


Today many people have an idea about God. Almost everybody has an opinion about God. Some say, God exists. Some say he doesn't. Some say, "God is this", others say "God is that", some say "God is everything" and again others say "God is nothing".

I want to give some of my thoughts on this.

First of all I want to say that to me it makes no sense to say "there is no God". The immediate question is: how do you know?
Secondly I want to say that saying "there is a God and He is like this and that and the other etc." to me makes no sense as well. If you know there is a God, how do you know what He is like?

So then what about God now? Not talking about him at all? No, that would make no sense as well.

Why can people say "Alex exists"? Well, they have met me. They have seen me. They have read my Blog. They talked to me via email, telephone, etc. And why can people say "Alex is like this and that and the other"? Because they made experiences with me. Maybe they were around me for some time. Maybe they saw how I conduct myself. Maybe they heard stories told about me, etc.

There is but one way to have that question answered, "Does God exist or not", and that is to get to know God and make experiences with him. How can you know how God is like if you never met Him and never made any experiences with Him?

Today many people accept that there is a God. But then they do not want to experience God and do not want to know Him personally, but they make up a concept of God in their own mind. "God is like this etc.". What does that produce? Not more than some man-made idea. They run around with a view about how they want God to be, instead of getting in contact with Him in order to find out what he is really like.

God made a way for people to get to know Him. First, he revealed himself to mankind from the beginning on. He came into the life of certain men and women and showed them how he is, and what he is, etc. He saw to it that it was recorded in a book called the Bible.
That is one way to know something about God: reading the Bible to see how God acted towards others.

But God also gave many many promises. A promise is something God says He will do. Whoever meets the conditions of any promise of God will experience it. God made it that way so we can come in contact with Him and get to know Him and see what He is like.
Begin to read the Bible and try if what is written by God in His Word is not true, by coming to Him on the conditions shown in the Bible. God is obligated to fulfill His Word. And He will do it.

Do not say "there is no God", do not say "there is a God, but the way I want Him to be", but come to God and come into His fellowship and let God show Himself to you how He is like.

"Read your Bible and pray every day"


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